Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Relationships: To Wed or not to Wed?

Marriage is a beautiful thing, everyone should be able to say they found there soul-mate, that one person where everyday your love grows deeper and deeper. To be able to grow old together hand in hand, Your heart will know who that one person is, maybe it already does. Something I don't really understand is the importance of a “Wedding”.

Some women make this big deal about them, the dress, venue, meal, entertainment, the colour of flowers, some can even turn into the ultimate Bridezillas; I think I'd rather take on Hulk Hogan then ever take on a Bridezilla. But well all said in done, I personally do see a wedding and marriage in my future, I think it I would want it to be simple, small and focused more on the love then the glitz and glamour.

In the chain of love you start off meeting your partner, you then gain by simply going on a few dates, the next incentive is officially claiming yourselves are “Boyfriend and Girlfriend or Boyfriend and Boyfriend or Girlfriend and Girlfriend” then you gain an advantage of moving in together, sometimes the gift of a child happen before or after, its all in Gods favour, next you finally get the biggest sparkly diamond in the world, then finally comes the wedding, and what do you get? A piece of paper that states you are a couple, really? There are some people that have been together for 30+ years do they really need a paper from the state to say that they are a couple, its quite confusing if you look at it, or maybe I make it look confusing.

Marriage can also come with tragic hurt of a Divorce; you put your heart out there for someone you think will love you till your last breath and what do they do, they take a meat cleaver and stab you right in the emotions. So i'm really 50/50 on this topic. But I wanna here what you think, Leave a comment below on how you feel about Marriage. 

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